Thursday, July 31, 2008

Lewiston Art Festival

Lewiston Council on the Arts sponsors an annual juried fine art show. Nothing is to be mass produced, commercial or less than best quality art. 
Text from their website...

The Council's original event, the annual  Lewiston Outdoor Fine Arts Festival  (now in its 42nd year), will be held August 9 & 10 this year, and has become the premier show in Niagara County.  Festival attendance is estimated at 30,000 with over 170 participating artists from the U.S. and Canada.

My art tent-space #222-is  in Academy Park, halfway between Tops market and Hibbard's Ice Cream. It's the same location as last year, with a bench & shade. The park lot will be open to cars----you can park on the grass again there this year.

I plan to release my 2009 calendar next week at the art fest, as well as many new paintings of the area. Be sure to say hi, Carl & I are looking forward to seeing lots of friends strolling among the tents next week.

Historic Frontier House, 1824, Lewiston, NY oil 16x20

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