Monday, November 24, 2008

Niagara Falls Teachers-Show & Sell event

We had a 'show & sell' at the Como restaurant on Thursday, and the food was spectacular, the guests were friendly & the displays were terrific. This is Dick Brzyski checking out prints with Sharon Fundalinski to his left. I shared a table with her so we could confuse everyone about our work, but they figured us out, our work is different enough & they were paying attention!
You can see the Twist O the Mist, Carnegie Library, Frontier House & 'Niagara Morning Mist' paintings.


  1. I am missing more events than I planned to.
    The time just disappears.
    Hope you had a good turnout.

  2. Thanks Jacqui-I run & paint when I can find time, now I am planning an OPEN STUDIO-it's one way to get it totally organized-hope you are as busy with your art as I am.
