Tuesday, August 13, 2013

2014 art calendar

The annual assembly line was hard at work last week, the newest calendar pages were printed and picked up, and we had three days before the Lewiston Art Festival 'unveiling'. 

All I needed to do was assemble 14 pages in backwards month order, open the calendar cases by the dozen, insert the packs of pages, close the cases, insert into the celo envelopes and rip the glue cover off, fold the seal and stack. Kind of easy, but it took all day, thanks to a lot of dealing pages and collating by Carl I am ahead of schedule. In the foreground is October, the blue ones are January, ready to be packed. If you follow me online, you can order by mail through my website, KSchifano.com.  Locally they will be available at Castellani Art Museum, The Book Corner, Studio One, Quaker Bonnet, and 464 Gallery.

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