Friday, September 6, 2024

Really Big Boulders

Ice and storms knocked over these breakwall boulders last winter. Hopefully they'll be back piled up to protect the Lake Ontario coast soon. They are painted on a huge sheet of pastel board to honor the size of the boulders.

Laurene's Big Rocks 24x36 pastel

Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Meadow at Stella Niagara

A bit of American History-the large meadow across from Stella Niagara Education Park is the only level landing spot on the lower Niagara River all the way to Youngstown.
Now it is a public park and WNY conservancy land and maintained with native plants and an occasional mowing on the long winding path for walking.
The photo is from my painting vantage point. It seems small but I could see the window and details clearly. 

Saturday, August 10, 2024

It was a gorgeous evening

Invited to show at the Youngstown Yacht Club again, we had another lovely evening. It's my annual paint the evening on the river event. This time I used watercolor and ink pen to capture the crowd having dinner on the deck. It's hiding in one of my many sketchbooks!

Thursday, August 1, 2024

A Glorious House Plant model

My out of control vine was unwrapped and 25' of woody stems uncurled from one thin stalk in the ground. The annual Stephanotis flowers are fragrant and showy but plants can't live forever and this one was about 20 years old. And bulky. I'm glad it is preserved in pastel and safe under glass.

I bought it at Buffalo Erie Count Botanical Gardens in a 3" pot for probably two dollars. Maybe I'll start a new one  

Stephanotis 28x20 pastel

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Riverworks summer fun

The complex at Riverworks is constantly expanding up and out and becoming a great family site. We took our grandchildren for dinner and they enjoyed the variety of watercraft passing, including party boats and cruisers. 

They didn't see this side until we were leaving so we took a few turns on the slowest Ferris wheel ever. It was magical. I've painted the LaBatts six pack twice and other views here too as there's always something worth studying  

Riverworks Ferris Wheel 9x12oil on birch board

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Back on the streets! Youngstown

What's the big deal? After two months of recuperation from a knee replacement I'm finally driving myself to a painting event and seeing friends I've missed this Spring. 

This is tiny Youngstown and the famous Jug, home of great music for decades. 

Brown Jug or Ontario House? 9x12oil 

Friday, June 7, 2024


Gosh we love Spring. The colors, greens and flowers, birds and warm weather are delightful. A pot of cool-loving pansies graced the porch for weeks before it was painted. Bluish blooms turned lavender and white faded to yellow. A still life that kept moving  

Pansies 12x16 oil

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Collecting local artists

This is part of a wall in my living room. It is dedicated to WNY artists with a few others added over the years. We try to support younger artists as well as established names and have had to slow down as I am not prepared to take anything down to mont new ones. There are two archways in this room and there is a collection of small ones over each arch. someday I will create a grid of al the paintings and label it with artist name, title and how I obtained the art.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Workers on the street

Across the street a crew worked on a new gasline to the neighborhood. How could I resist? Trucks, dirt, commotion, workers and traffic cones. Enjoyed doing this one right from the shade of my garage! Big hole with workers getting in and out, shouting instructions.

 Fieldstone Gas Line, Oil, 8x10 2024

Painting in Amsterdam

Our return trip to The Netherlands was primarily to paint in Amsterdam with a group of 12,  sponsored by Workshops in Yorkshire. (Rosemary Brushes)
Of course April was tulip season and they were blooming everywhere indoors and out, and Spring was sparkling. The city is a grid of canals and packed with bicycles, cafes and art. We spent time in the Rijksmuseum, VanGogh Museum and Rembrandt's House. City Parks, Tulip gardens and an outing to the Rembrandt Paint factory with a behind the scenes tour filled the days between paint times. 4 finished paintings, two sketchbooks of watercolor and ink and a camera packed with images completed our 12 day trip. I cannot imagine a better planned and organized trip.  My memories and images are precious.

Hortus Botanicus
Hortus Botanicus

6' Below Sea Level 

Keukenhof Tulip Garden

No Parking


What is Urban Sketching?

I don't always have time or materials to complete paintings when I am inspired by a location. Fortunately, I always carry a mini sketchbook and pen. 

Urban sketchers are a formal group that may meet or work independently to capture a location, usually with drawing materials. Sometimes these are long works, others are quick sketches and often contain notes on their location, or other comments the artist makes. 

I'm not sure if I am an actual Urban Sketcher Artist, but these are a few recent urban sketches from my mini notebook. It is a great way to experience a place and create memories. And it is amazing how many mini notebooks I have filled with drawings.

Pequa Restaurant, Amsterdam
Waiting for dinner in Amsterdam, April 2024

From the harbor in Antwerp October 2023

Urban sketch, Schifano
Another Antwerp view

Hegel Wending by K Schifano
Hoorn Harbor, Netherlands October 2023

Shanty Choir in Kvasir

Lockport NY Train station ruins 2023

Botanical Gardens, February 2023

Lytle Preserve

oil paint by Kath Schifano

 It is a treat to find a new park or location to bring my paints. We were invited by the Art Trail to paint at an event in Lockport. Families (and visiting goats) walked the trails at beautiful Lytle Park. The variety of greens was staggering.

Having had a recent Total Knee Replacement, I settled for a scene near the car, while other painters went down the trail to find a bridge, wooden walks and lovely views. This is a park I will return to!

Lytle Preserve, Lockport, oil 9x12 oil 2024

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Buffalo Artist Studios Fundraiser 5x5

The annual 5x5 art auction in TriMain is a major fundraiser for the huge BAS spaces on the 5th floor. I was invited to participate and donated these two oil paintings, both of which gained significant bids. I sincerely believe in supporting groups that support artists in turn.


Sunday, April 21, 2024

A New Peace Bridge view

Painted today, noticed by many, gone tomorrow. It was an early cool Spring day when a few of us decided to paint near the Aquarium. I had a different location in mind, but I had never considered the Rainbow Bridge from this location. Already parked, I realized I wouldn't have to go far. There are a lot of memories in the painting, crossing into Canada, the Falls, stairs to the gorge and many Niagara Falls natives commented on it. Needless to say, this one was shipped out as soon as it was dry enough to travel. Expats love Niagara!

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Pillbox Hats in the Studio

Mom always wore a pillbox hat to go out, and a neighbor gave me a few more in their original boxes to use at school. For years, the boxes lay on a closet shelf until this still life was set up in Studio 120 at the NACC. I can let the hats go now to new closet shelves, I have made this painting of them for my memories. The boxes are from Beirs, a lovely Niagara Falls department that is long gone. Vintage Pillbox Hats, 16x20 oil

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Indoors in the Winter, Commission Painting

 A new customer inquired about two paintings she had previously seen, one at the Junior League Buffalo Showhouse and the other on my website,

Unfortunately, one was sold while the other was a History Museum auction item. After some discussion, and convincing meI could reproduce them, I repainted each one. It was nice to work on larger canvas indoors during the winter. I completed one in my home studio while the other was painted in Studio 120 at The NACC. 

They are both shown here leaning against her fireplace. They were to be mounted on the wall above, in lovely company with other artworks. My pleasure!

Another Moment, oil, 24x36

Still Dancing, oil 20x24 

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Snowy Masterviews

It was a gray winter and I had few opportunities to paint outdoors. This year's weather inspired me to do only 3 paintings in snow. My requirements are wind, at least 30 degrees and blazing sun. The sun was missing most days so in Studio 120 I resorted to a photo I had taken several years ago. 

Who hasn't stood on the viewer steps to get a better look? I like that these viewers seem to have a face, the newer models are more robotic looking with giant eyes. This one is looking to the sun and hoping for Spring, the snow fence behind it and the metal head have snow for now.
I like the whimsy of this one!
Kath Schifano
Masterview oil

Monday, December 25, 2023

Merry Christmas!


An electric moving Santa figure in a golden coat and dress whirred back and forth with his lit candle on a table near my easel. How could one resist him? A little artistic license changed his colors and put Santa outdoors in the snow. This is our family Christmas card, 2023. 40 years of homemade cards!

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

The Plucked Chicken

A week after I painted the Blue Moon, the weather was lovely and the ride to Paint Youngstown again was sublime. With the coast Guard red roof in the background, this sailboat found its way onto my canvas, drawn with underpaints and I worked on the water and reflections before the weather changed the surface of the water. Well, it did change and the current turned the sailboat around before I was finished. The prow was now to the right. It wasn't going to come back to this position for a long time so I had to finish the picture looking at the opposite side and reversing in my mind using the underpainting as a guide.

I posted the painting on Facebook and it was forwarded by someone to the owner. I didn't see their comment but they came to the November NFLive event at the Niagara Falls Convention Center after Thanksgiving to see me.

The night before the show I had realized I should have a sample of my boat paintings in my table display and put it in an available right-sized frame. It was only a few weeks since it was painted so I offered to take care of it in the future as it wasn't fully dry for a few more months and I hadn't secured it tight enough for long term display. It went home that day with the family that owned the boat. And I learned where the name 'Plucked Chicken" came from. 

Plucked Chicken 16X12 oil on linen

The Blue Moon

Youngstown Yacht Club, working boat, YYC

The end of September serves as the end of sailing season, taking the boats in and readying them for winter takes up a lot of fall days at the Youngstown Yacht Club. The biggest sailboats are brought in last and by then, the dock is covered with propped boats on blocks and trailers, all with masts in the sky, creating an aluminum forest.

I had admired this unusual sailboat and was determined to find time to paint it. Turns out, "Blue Moon" is a work boat for the yacht club, ferrying in the race markers from the Niagara River and Lake Ontario. I learned that the following week when it went to work before I could paint it larger.

It's just 7" tall by 5" and this painting is a new favorite.

Blue Moon, oil on canvas panel 7x5" 


The annual WWPO is a good time with usually great weather that the NFPAP artists enjoy. We have always had it at the Niagara Reservation State Park. I chose a classic falls view and found myself looking around and through a lot of tourists. I love that people stop to appreciate, and maybe contemplate, rather than leaning in to shoot a photo and walking away. 

Plein air Niagara,  WWPO, IPAP   Friday at Prospect Point

  Saturday at Three Sisters, looking upriver.

  My view 

  Where I stood on the first bridge to paint this.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

A welcome feeling

flag bunting entrance, flowerpots, Youngstown NY

Annually, on the Thursday before the Lewiston Art Festival weekend, the Youngstown Yacht Club sponsors 'Art on the River". Formerly indoors and upstairs, the event has evolved into a giant tent between the entrance and the docks. I requested a space near the clubhouse restaurant and painted the entrance. As the sun lowered the light came underneath the porch roof and set some spots aglow.

YYC Welcome, 12x9 oil 

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Donated to ‘Artists for Lahaina'

So much was lost to the fire that decimated the city in Hawaii, including lives. Hearing of artists who lost their studios to the fire as well as homes cars and family members is heartbreaking. Originally planned to support artists, the auction of art donated by many artists will benefit all types of need for all people in the stricken area.

This lily painting is 12x16 on board and will be mailed at no charge to the winning bidder. 

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Niagara Falls power

One more pastel before I return to using oil paint. It's a summer day and my friends are meeting at Three Sisters in Niagara Falls State Park for a warm day by the water to paint. There are so many angles at Three Sisters that are perfect for painting, so difficult to choose. 

On this day I brought art supplies to the end, where the crashing surf racing down to the Horseshoe Falls makes the most noise. A few years ago this area was upgraded with natural plantings and handsome fencing but that keeps us away from the rocky eastern sections of the third island. I decided to show the massive rocks on the shore beyond the fence. 

pastel rocks, niagara river Niagara Falls state park

The Third Island at Three Sisters 12x9 pastel

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Two ribbon awards at the Fairgrounds


Enrolled as a professional I am pleased to have received a second place red ribbon for my seascape at the Erie County Fairgrounds. I learned of the award on opening day when we went to see the fair with thousands of others. The colors and smells! The rides and food choices! Just like a fair should be in the sunshine.

The following Saturday was a Plein air competition. We had to create a new painting of the fair in the allotted time. Pleased to announce my painting was awarded a third prize gold ribbon. A crazy weather day, it rained, cleared, got windy, cleared again and ended with a downpour. I’m surprised to have survived. 

Here are photos of the Saturday event, Plein air results on the wall.

Once the paintings were hung it received quite a bit of attention.

Henry's Kettle Korn

I chose Henry's Kettle Corn stand for my subject. It’s right next to a triple flag base with flowers growing in the base. The combination attracted me. Not the best photo here but I had to mat and frame the pastel with glass and deliver within the time frame and rules. 

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Pastel! Umbrellas! Plein Air!

 Although there were no customers when I began, a lunchtime crowd eventually filled the tables at Mississippi Mudd's riverside restaurant. The speakers blasted golden oldies and kids and pets walked by with their caretakers to the river's edge. Three tables of card players nearby muttered 'pass' or made comments to their partners after a play. Their $11 split club money would go to the winning pair and there was a lot of laughter. What a great place to be on a summer morning.

These must be new umbrellas, they are so inspiring, bright, and unfaded. Sitting in the shade of a huge maple the view of the outdoor dining area was a perfect place to be the painter. Pastels were perfect to catch these vibrant colors.

Morning Umbrella Dance, Kath Schifano
Morning Umbrella Dance, 9x12 pastel c. K. Schifano, 2023 

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Summer days and Luna Island at Niagara Falls.

Planning to paint with Niagara Frontier Plein Air Painters when the event was cancelled, I decided to spend the day in The NACC Studio 120. As I drove up I realized my studio keys were home so I kept driving to Niagara Falls State Park, it was a bright calm day and perfect for painting outside. 

Halfway down the wide staircase to Luna Island and the Bridal Veil Falls is a landing and this view wanted to be captured. I am interested in the layers of tourists, at the rail, on the island and by the hundreds in the Maid of the Mist tourboat. The large plume of mist on the right is the tremendous American Falls, just beyond the island. It might have been easier to capture this busy scene with oil paint but I am glad to have decided to use pastels more this year. 

pastel by Kath Schifano, Maid of the Mist
On the Landing by Luna. 12x16 pastel, c.K. Schifano 2023