Wednesday, April 14, 2021

March 20 on the porch

 This little painting is my Spring Equinox contribution. Hellebores flower buds lay under the snow, starting in December and visible whenever the snow melts. Just a bit of sun and Spring and they perk up. My plant is particularly large and the flowers change colors over the weeks they are blooming. Creamy pink to start, they turn rosy and then a peachy tan. When the Japanese Maple overhead starts to leaf it provides cooling shade and my flowers are upright and beautiful through June. 

Kath Schifano, Lenten Rose, spring flowers
Hellebores-2021 Equinox, 7x5 oil c. K. Schifano

As an aside, as I was sitting on the concrete porch a friendly garden snake joined me in the sun, sunning itself just beyond my feet. After a few minutes it slithered away with an attitude.

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